One Piece, Vol. 5: For Whom the Bell Tolls


“As the Straw Hat Pirates venture deeper into the Grand Line, they encounter a legendary weapon and a treacherous plot in One Piece, Vol. 5: For Whom the Bell Tolls.”


  1. “In One Piece, Vol. 5: For Whom the Bell Tolls, Luffy and his crew face a formidable foe while unraveling the mysteries of an ancient island.”
  2. Product Details

    ISBN-13: 9781591166153
    Publisher: VIZ Media LLC
    Publication date: 11/17/2004
    Series: One Piece Series
    Edition description: 1st Edition
    Pages: 200
    Sales rank: 13,318
    Product dimensions: 4.98(w) x 7.52(h) x 0.65(d)
    Age Range: 13 – 17 Years