The Indie Author Mindset


“The Indie Author Mindset” is a game-changing book that reveals the secrets to success in the world of self-publishing. Through a transformative exploration of the power of mindset, this book shows aspiring authors how changing their way of thinking can have a profound impact on their writing careers. Packed with practical advice and inspiring stories, it equips indie authors with the tools they need to overcome obstacles, tap into their creativity, and navigate the publishing industry with confidence, ultimately transforming their writing journey into a fulfilling and prosperous venture.


“The Indie Author Mindset: How changing your way of thinking can transform your writing career” is a powerful guidebook that explores the mindset required for success as an independent author. Drawing upon the experiences of numerous accomplished writers, this book illuminates the psychological and practical strategies necessary to thrive in the self-publishing world. With an emphasis on embracing creativity, cultivating resilience, and embracing the entrepreneurial spirit, this transformative read empowers aspiring authors to overcome challenges, navigate the ever-changing publishing landscape, and achieve their writing goals with confidence and fulfillment.


Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781912599042
Publisher: Adam Croft
Publication date: 07/31/2018
Series: Indie Author Mindset , #1
Pages: 234
Product dimensions: 5.00(w) x 8.00(h) x 0.53(d)


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