“Morning Star,” the third book in the Red Rising series, continues the gripping science fiction saga created by Pierce Brown. Set in a future dystopian society, the story follows Darrow, a revolutionary leader who disguises himself as a member of the ruling class to bring down an oppressive regime from within. In this thrilling installment, Darrow’s rebellion against the Golds reaches its climax as he orchestrates a grand plan to liberate his fellow Reds and dismantle the hierarchical system that has plagued humanity for generations. Packed with intense action, intricate political machinations, and emotional twists, “Morning Star” explores themes of power, loyalty, and sacrifice, taking readers on a relentless journey of resistance and revolution in a merciless world.
Product Details
ISBN-13: | 9780345539861 |
Publisher: | Random House Worlds |
Publication date: | 09/27/2016 |
Series: | Red Rising Series |
Edition description: | Reprint |
Pages: | 576 |
Sales rank: | 5,580 |
Product dimensions: | 5.50(w) x 8.20(h) x 1.30(d) |
Lexile: | HL710L (what’s this?) |
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