“Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Vol. 4” is an enthralling manga volume written by Koyoharu Gotouge. The story follows Tanjiro Kamado, a determined young warrior seeking to avenge his family and cure his sister Nezuko, who has turned into a demon. In this volume, Tanjiro faces off against a powerful enemy within a mysterious house where a family has fallen victim to demonic influence. With his comrades by his side, he battles through treacherous obstacles and unleashes his growing strength and skills to protect the innocent and defeat the forces of darkness. Filled with intense action, heartfelt emotions, and stunning artwork, Vol. 4 continues to captivate readers as the world of Demon Slayer expands with each exhilarating chapter.
Product Details
ISBN-13: | 9781974700554 |
Publisher: | VIZ Media LLC |
Publication date: | 01/01/2019 |
Series: | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Series |
Pages: | 192 |
Sales rank: | 4,647 |
Product dimensions: | 4.90(w) x 7.40(h) x 0.70(d) |
Age Range: | 14 – 17 Years |
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